This is an update from an earlier post about allotments and Monopoly. Getting an allotment was a great idea. I have really enjoyed going down there to potter about; weeding, watering and sowing seeds. G. didn't think much of the idea at the start of the time, seeing all the weeds that had to be removed. But since having had several delicious meals featuring homegrown produce, he has come around. Here's a photo montage of what has come out of my plot.
First, lots and lots of weeds came out.
These are the potatoes that came from the spuds we found in the ground from last year.
Me and just one of the many many bunches of Swiss chard we ate.
Pumpkins, bigger than my head!
Lamb steaks, with rocket, salad leaves, tomatoes and corn. Everything but the lamb was from the allotment.
Lena also enjoyed the corn. There's actually a lot more I got out of the plot but I don't have photos. Lots of snow peas, regular peas and runner beans. Right now there's French beans growing, plus the salad, rocket, and 2 types of broccoli. I have to get some more stuff in to take up space over winter so that the weeds don't battle back. If you want to send me seeds to plant, send an email to and I'll pass along my address.
Knowing I want to keep up with the allotment, I went to pay for the next year at the parish office. She actually sent me away, saying to wait for my letter in the mail before paying. I don't see why it would be so complicated to take my money when I'm ready to pay it, but apparently it would mess up the system. Okay...
As for the Monopoly bit, the towns have been chosen and Cookham sadly wasn't one of them. This is probably a good thing for me, because it means I don't have to go out and buy a copy of the silly game. Monopoly is an okay game, but there are much better games out there. I'll save that rant for another day though.